The Implementation of The CBOB Model For Fifth-Grade Students At Sdn 07 Kota Pariaman As An Effort To Introduce Medications Early And Develop Health Education


  • Syofyan Syofyan Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Andalas, Padang, 25163, Indonesia
  • Dachriyanus Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Andalas, Padang, 25163, Indonesia
  • Noviatri Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Andalas, Padang, 25163, Indonesia


Medicine, Medicine Education, CBOB, Apoci


Medicines are like two sides of a coin: they can be beneficial if used appropriately, and harmful if used inappropriately. The use of medicine is a common thing for adults, but on the contrary, for children medicine is something taboo for them because their knowledge about the benefits and dangers of a drug is still very shallow. Therefore, children need to be given the introduction and education of medicine from an early age. With this early education, students as drug users are expected to become agents of change in promoting the rational use of drugs for their families and communities. The activity method is carried out in 6 (six) stages, namely: Socialization, Little Pharmacist Training with CBOB Model, Application of Science and Technology, Mentoring and Evaluation and Program Sustainability. From this activity, the following results can be obtained: 1) Children have a good knowledge score about medicine; 2) Children graduate and are formally inaugurated as little pharmacists in their school; 3) The school UKS program includes drug education in health education in UKS; 4) The CBOB model is understood by teachers as a suitable model to be applied in schools; 5) The existence of school medicinal plants (TOS) and drug literacy corners (Apotekids). It can be concluded that community service activities in the form of applying the Correct Way of Learning Medicine (CBOB) model in the form of a school-based drug education program at SDN 07 Pariaman City can increase the understanding of the importance of the CBOB model.


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How to Cite

Syofyan, S., Dachriyanus, & Noviatri. (2025). The Implementation of The CBOB Model For Fifth-Grade Students At Sdn 07 Kota Pariaman As An Effort To Introduce Medications Early And Develop Health Education. Journal of Healthcare and Community Development, 1(01). Retrieved from


